[Adv1-0] The first Sunday of the Advent of our Lord Jesus Christ. [Nat1-0] The Feast of the most holy Name of Jesus. [Nat2-0] The Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, by which a most holy example is afforded to Christian families who properly invoke their aid. [Quadp1-0] Septuagesima Sunday, on which the canticle of the Lord, Alleluia, ceaseth to be said. [Quadp3-3] Ash Wednesday, and the beginning of the most holy fast of Lent. [Quad5-0] The Sunday of the Passion. [Quad5-5] The Festival of the Seven Dolors of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary. [Quad6-0] Palm Sunday, when our Lord Jesus Christ, according to the prophecy of Zacharias, entered into Jerusalem, seated upon the foal of an ass, and was met by the multitude bearing palms. [Quad6-4] The Lord's Supper, when Christ Jesus, the day before he was crucified for our salvation, gave to his disciples the mysteries of his Body and Blood, to be celebrated by them. [Pasc0-1] On this day, which the Lord hath made, is the Solemnity of Solemnities, and our Pasch;~ the Resurrection of our Saviour Jesus Christ according to the flesh. [Pasc1-0] The Sunday in White, and the Octave of the Pasch. [Pasc2-3] The Solemnity of St. Joseph, spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary, confessor, and patron of the Universal church. [Pasc5-1] At Rome, the Lesser Litanies in the church of St. Mary Major. [Pasc5-2] At Rome, the Lesser Litanies in the church of St. John Lateran. [Pasc5-3] Romæ Litaníæ minóres ad sanctum Petrum. [Pasc5-3] The Vigil of the Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ. At Rome, the Lesser Litanies in the church of St. Peter. [Pasc5-4] On Mount Olivet, the Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ. [Pasc6-4] The Octave of the Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ. [Pasc6-6] The Vigil of Pentecost. [Pasc7-0] The day of Pentecost, when the Holy Ghost came down upon the disciples at Jerusalem in the form of fiery tongues. [Pent01-0] The Feast of the most holy and undivided Trinity, and the Octave of Pentecost. [Pent01-4] The Feast of the most Sacred Body of Christ. [Pent02-4] The Octave of the most Sacred Body of Christ. [Pent02-5] The Feast of the most Sacred Heart of Jesus. [Pent03-5] The Octave of the most Sacred Heart of Jesus. [10-DU] The Feast of our Lord Jesus Christ the King. [Defuncti] On this day, the Commemoration of all the Faithful Departed, on which day Holy Church, their common Mother, after due diligence to celebrate with fitting praise all her children who now rejoice in heaven, doth strive also to assist by her prayers all them that suffer still in Purgatory, which are of avail before Christ, her Lord and Spouse, in order that as speedily as possible they may join the society of the citizens on high. [Nativity] In the 5199th year of the creation of the world, from the time when in the beginning God created heaven and earth; from the flood, the 2957th year; from the birth of Abraham, the 2015th year; from Moses and the going-out of the people of Israel from Egypt, the 1510th year; from the anointing of David as king, the 1032nd year; in the 65th week according to the prophecy of Daniel; in the 194th Olympiad; from the founding of the city of Rome, the 752nd year; in the 42nd year of the rule of Octavian Augustus, when the whole world was at peace, in the sixth age of the world: Jesus Christ, the eternal God and Son of the eternal Father, desiring to sanctify the world by His most merciful coming, having been conceived by the Holy Ghost, and nine months having passed since His conception (A higher tone of voice is now used, and all kneel) was born in Bethlehem of Juda of the Virgin Mary, having become man.