[Rank] Die IV infra octavam Paschae;;Semiduplex I classis;;6;;ex Pasc0-0 [Rule] ex Pasc0-0; 1 nocturn; Omit Hymnus Preces Suffragium; Minores sine Antiphona; Capitulum Versum 2; Psalmi Dominica; [Ant Matutinum] @Tempora/Pasc0-0::s/^V\..*//sm V. öröm töltötte el a tanítványokat. Alleluja R. Az Úr láttára. Alleluja [Lectio1] Evangélium szent János Apostol kőnyvéből !John 21:1-14 Azon időben Jézus újra megjelent a tanítványoknak, ezúttal Tibériás tavánál. Így jelent meg nekik: Együtt volt Simon Péter, Tamás, melléknevén Didimusz És így tovább. _ Homily by Pope St Gregory (the Great.) !24th on the Gospels. Dearly beloved brethren, the portion of the Holy Gospel which hath but now been read in your ears, knocketh loudly at the door of your heart, with a certain question, the answer whereto calleth for thought. This same question is : Wherefore did Peter, who had before his conversion been a fisher, wherefore did he, after his conversion, again go a-fishing? since the Truth hath said : No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God? (Luke ix. 62.) Wherefore did Peter return to that which he had left? But we thought we see the answer to his question. The trade which was harmless before his conversion, did not become harmful because he had been converted.