[Rank] Feria Tertia infra Hebdomadam Passionis;;Feria major;;2 [Rule] [Lectio1] Evangélium szent János Apostol kőnyvéből !John 7:1-13 Azon időben Jézus bejárta Galileát, Júdeába nem akart menni, mert a zsidók az életére törtek. És így tovább. _ Homily by St Austin, Bishop (of H ippo. ) !28th Tract on John. In this chapter of the Gospel, my brethren, our Lord Jesus Christ hath much commended Himself unto our faith, as touching His Manhood. At the same time, His words and works were alway such as to give us to believe that He is both God and Man, yea, that God Who made us, and that Man Who hath sought us, yea, God the Son, Who, as touching His Godhead, is alway with the Father, (John i. 18; iii. 13,) and, as touching His Manhood, hath been with us in time. (Matth. i. 23.) For He had not sought the work of His hands unless He had been made His own work. (John i. 14.) Keep this well in mind, and let your hearts never forget it, namely, that Christ was not made Man so as to cease to be God. He, Who made the Manhood, took It into that Godhead Which is His from everlasting to everlasting. 1