[Rank] S. Emerentiana virgin and martyr;;Simplex;;1.1;;vide C6 [Rule] vide C6; Gloria Suffragium=Maria2;Ecclesiae,Papa;; [Oratio] May blessed Emerentiana, Virgin and Martyr, who was ever pleasing to You by the~ merit of her chastity and by her trust in Your power, implore for us Your~ forgiveness, we beseech You, O Lord. $Per Dominum [Secreta] May blessed Emerentiana, Virgin and Martyr, who was ever pleasing to You by the~ merit of her chastity and by her trust in Your power, implore for us Your~ forgiveness, we beseech You, O Lord. $Per Dominum [Postcommunio] May the sacrament we have received, aid us, O Lord, and by the intercession of~ blessed Emerentiana, Your Virgin and Martyr, may it keep us forevermore under~ Your everlasting protection. $Per Dominum