[Rank] S. Benedicti Abbatis;;Duplex majus;;4;;vide C4c [Rule] vide Cc; Gloria [Nomen] Benedict [Oratio] May the intercession of the blessed Abbot Benedict, commend us to You, O Lord, so that~ through his merits we may obtain that which we cannot accomplish by our own. $Per Dominum [Secreta] We beseech You, O Lord, may the holy Abbot Benedict, prevail by his prayers, so that~ the offerings placed upon Your sacred altar may be beneficial for our salvation. $Per Dominum [Postcommunio] May the pleading of the blessed Abbot Benedict for us, together with the partaking of~ Your sacrament, protect us, O Lord, so that we, mindful of his way of life, may~ obtain the help of his intercession. $Per Dominum