[Rank] S. Agapiti Martyris;;Simplex;;1.1;;vide C2 [Rule] vide C2; Gloria [Oratio] May Your Church rejoice, O God, trusting in the support of St. Agapitus, Your~ Martyr, and, by his glorious prayers, may she remain holy and fearlessly stand~ her ground. $Per Dominum [Evangelium] Continuation + of the Holy Gospel according to John !John 12:24-26 At that time, Jesus said to His disciples, Amen, amen, I say to you, unless the~ grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone. But if it dies,~ it brings forth much fruit. He who loves his life, loses it; and he who hates~ his life in this world, keeps it unto life everlasting. If anyone serves Me, let~ him follow Me; and where I am there also shall My servant be. If anyone serves~ Me, My Father will honor him. [Secreta] Accept, O Lord, the gifts we bring on his festival by whose spiritual protection~ we hope to be saved. $Per Dominum [Postcommunio] You have fed Your household, O Lord, with the holy sacrament; ever comfort us,~ we beseech You, by the intercession of him whose feast we are keeping. $Per Dominum