[Rank] Feria Quarta Quattuor Temporum Pentecostes;;Semiduplex I classis;;5;;ex Pasc7-0 [Rank1960] Feria Quarta Quattuor Temporum Pentecostes;;Semiduplex I classis;;6;;ex Pasc7-0 [RankNewcal] Feria IV post Pentecostes;;Feria;;1;; [Rule] LectioL1 no Gloria Sequentia Suffr=Ecclesiae;Papa Credo Prefatio=Spiritu [Introitus] !Ps 67:8-9 v. O God, when You went forth at the head of Your people, making a passage for~ them, dwelling in their midst, alleluia: the earth quaked; it rained from heaven,~ alleluia, alleluia. !Ps 67:2 God arises; His enemies are scattered, and those who hate Him flee before Him. &Gloria v. O God, when You went forth at the head of Your people, making a passage for~ them, dwelling in their midst, alleluia: the earth quaked; it rained from heaven,~ alleluia, alleluia. [Oratio] May the Paraclete Who proceeds from You, enlighten our minds, we beseech You, O~ Lord, and guide us to all truth, as Your Son has promised. $Qui tecum eiusdem [LectioL1] Lesson from the Acts of Apostles !Acts 2:14-21. In those days, Peter, standing up with the Eleven, lifted up his voice and spoke out to them: Men of Judea and all you who dwell in Jerusalem, let this be known to you, and give ear to my words. These men are not drunk, as you suppose, for it is only the third hour of the day. But this is what was spoken through the prophet Joel: ‘And it shall come to pass in the last days, says the Lord, that I will pour forth of My Spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams. And moreover upon My servants and upon My handmaids in those days will I pour forth of My Spirit, and they shall prophesy. And I will show wonders in the heavens above and signs on the earth beneath, blood and fire and vapor of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the day of the Lord comes, the great and manifest day. And it shall come to pass that whoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.’ $Deo gratias [GradualeL1] Alleluia. !Ps 32:6 V. By the word of the Lord the heavens were made; by the breath of His mouth~ all their host. _ #Gloria v. Glory be to God on high, and on earth peace to men of good will. We praise Thee. We bless Thee. We adore Thee. We glorify Thee. We give Thee thanks for Thy great glory. O Lord God, heavenly King, God the Father almighty. O Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son. O Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father. Who takest away the sins of the world, have mercy on us. Who takest away the sins of the world, receive our prayer. Who sittest at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us. For Thou only are holy. Thou only art the Lord. Thou only art most high, O Jesus Christ. Together with the Holy Ghost + in the glory of God the Father. Amen. [OratioL1] Grant, we beseech You, almighty and most merciful God, that the Holy Spirit may~ come to dwell in us, graciously making us a temple of His glory. $Per Dominum eiusdem [Lectio] Lesson from the Acts of Apostles !Acts 5:12-16 In those days, by the hands of the Apostles many signs and wonders were done among the people. And with one accord they all would meet in Solomon’s portico; but of the rest, no one dared to associate with them, yet the people made much of them. And the multitude of men and women who believed in the Lord increased still more, so that they carried the sick into the streets and laid them on beds and pallets that, when Peter passed, his shadow at least might fall on some of them. And there came also multitudes from the towns near Jerusalem, bringing the sick and those troubled with unclean spirits, and they were all cured. [Graduale] Alleluia, alleluia. V. (Kneel.) Come, O Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful; and kindle in~ them the fire of Your love. [Sequentia] @Tempora/Pasc7-0:Sequentia [Evangelium] Continuation + of the Holy Gospel according to John !John 6:44-52. At that time, Jesus said to the Jews: No one can come to Me unless the Father~ Who sent Me draw him, and I will raise him up on the last day. It is written in~ the Prophets, "And they all shall be taught of God." Everyone who has listened~ to the Father, and has learned, comes to Me; not that anyone has seen the Father~ except Him Who is from God, He has seen the Father. Amen, amen, I say to you, he~ who believes in Me has life everlasting. I am the bread of life. Your fathers~ ate the manna in the desert, and have died. This is the bread that comes down~ from heaven, so that if anyone eat of it he will not die. I am the living bread~ that has come down from heaven. If anyone eat of this bread he shall live~ forever; and the bread that I will give is My flesh for the life of the world. [Offertorium] !Ps 118:47-48 I will delight in Your commands, which I love exceedingly. And I will lift up~ my hands to Your commands, which I love. Alleluia. [Secreta] Accept, we beseech You, O Lord, the gifts we offer, and graciously bring it~ about that we may practice by a holy life what we perform here by a sacred rite. $Per Dominum [Communio] !John 14:27. Peace I leave with you, alleluia; My peace I give to you, alleluia, alleluia. [Postcommunio] As we receive Your heavenly sacrament we beseech You, merciful Lord, may we reap~ in the joys of eternity the fruits of what we perform in this life. $Per Dominum