S. Georgii Martyris ~ Semiduplex
Commemoratio: De VI die infra Octavam S. Joseph

Divinum Officium Divino Afflatu - 1954


Ad Laudes

Ante Divinum officium
Si Matutinum a Laudibus separatur, tunc dicitur secreto:
Pater noster, qui es in cælis, sanctificétur nomen tuum: advéniat regnum tuum: fiat volúntas tua, sicut in cælo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidiánum da nobis hódie: et dimítte nobis débita nostra, sicut et nos dimíttimus debitóribus nostris: et ne nos indúcas in tentatiónem: sed líbera nos a malo. Amen.
Ave María, grátia plena; Dóminus tecum: benedícta tu in muliéribus, et benedíctus fructus ventris tui Jesus. Sancta María, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatóribus, nunc et in hora mortis nostræ. Amen.

Secus absolute incipiuntur, ut sequitur:
℣. Deus in adjutórium meum inténde.
℟. Dómine, ad adjuvándum me festína.
Glória Patri, et Fílio, * et Spirítui Sancto.
Sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper, * et in sǽcula sæculórum. Amen.
If Matins and Lauds are separated, then is said silently:
Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation: But deliver us from evil. Amen.
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

Otherwise, the hour is started directly as follows:
℣. O God, come to my assistance;
℟. O Lord, make haste to help me.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, * and to the Holy Ghost.
As it was in the beginning, is now, * and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Psalmi {Psalmi & antiphonæ ex Psalterio secundum diem}
Ant. Allelúja.
Psalmus 46 [1]
46:2 Omnes gentes, pláudite mánibus: * jubiláte Deo in voce exsultatiónis.
46:3 Quóniam Dóminus excélsus, terríbilis: * Rex magnus super omnem terram.
46:4 Subjécit pópulos nobis: * et gentes sub pédibus nostris.
46:5 Elégit nobis hereditátem suam: * spéciem Jacob, quam diléxit.
46:6 Ascéndit Deus in júbilo: * et Dóminus in voce tubæ.
46:7 Psállite Deo nostro, psállite: * psállite Regi nostro, psállite.
46:8 Quóniam Rex omnis terræ Deus: * psállite sapiénter.
46:9 Regnábit Deus super gentes: * Deus sedet super sedem sanctam suam.
46:10 Príncipes populórum congregáti sunt cum Deo Ábraham: * quóniam dii fortes terræ veheménter eleváti sunt.
℣. Glória Patri, et Fílio, * et Spirítui Sancto.
℟. Sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper, * et in sǽcula sæculórum. Amen.
Psalms {Psalms & antiphons from the Psalter for the day of the week}
Ant. Alleluia.
Psalm 46 [1]
46:2 O clap your hands, all ye nations: * shout unto God with the voice of joy,
46:3 For the Lord is high, terrible: * a great king over all the earth.
46:4 He hath subdued the people under us; * and the nations under our feet.
46:5 He hath chosen for us his inheritance, * the beauty of Jacob which he hath loved.
46:6 God is ascended with jubilee, * and the Lord with the sound of trumpet.
46:7 Sing praises to our God, sing ye: * sing praises to our king, sing ye.
46:8 For God is the king of all the earth: * sing ye wisely.
46:9 God shall reign over the nations: * God sitteth on his holy throne.
46:10 The princes of the people are gathered together, with the God of Abraham: * for the strong gods of the earth are exceedingly exalted.
℣. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, * and to the Holy Ghost.
℟. As it was in the beginning, is now, * and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Psalmus 5 [2]
5:2 Verba mea áuribus pércipe, Dómine, * intéllege clamórem meum.
5:3 Inténde voci oratiónis meæ, * Rex meus et Deus meus.
5:4 Quóniam ad te orábo: * Dómine, mane exáudies vocem meam.
5:5 Mane astábo tibi et vidébo: * quóniam non Deus volens iniquitátem tu es.
5:6 Neque habitábit juxta te malígnus: * neque permanébunt injústi ante óculos tuos.
5:7 Odísti omnes, qui operántur iniquitátem: * perdes omnes, qui loquúntur mendácium.
5:7 Virum sánguinum et dolósum abominábitur Dóminus: * ego autem in multitúdine misericórdiæ tuæ.
5:8 Introíbo in domum tuam: * adorábo ad templum sanctum tuum in timóre tuo.
5:9 Dómine, deduc me in justítia tua: * propter inimícos meos dírige in conspéctu tuo viam meam.
5:10 Quóniam non est in ore eórum véritas: * cor eórum vanum est.
5:11 Sepúlcrum patens est guttur eórum, linguis suis dolóse agébant, * júdica illos, Deus.
5:11 Décidant a cogitatiónibus suis, secúndum multitúdinem impietátum eórum expélle eos, * quóniam irritavérunt te, Dómine.
5:12 Et læténtur omnes, qui sperant in te, * in ætérnum exsultábunt: et habitábis in eis.
5:12 Et gloriabúntur in te omnes, qui díligunt nomen tuum, * quóniam tu benedíces justo.
5:13 Dómine, ut scuto bonæ voluntátis tuæ * coronásti nos.
℣. Glória Patri, et Fílio, * et Spirítui Sancto.
℟. Sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper, * et in sǽcula sæculórum. Amen.
Psalm 5 [2]
5:2 Give ear, O Lord, to my words * understand my cry.
5:3 Hearken to the voice of my prayer, * O my King and my God.
5:4 For to thee will I pray: * O Lord, in the morning thou shalt hear my voice.
5:5 In the morning I will stand before thee, and will see: * because thou art not a God that willest iniquity.
5:6 Neither shall the wicked dwell near thee: * nor shall the unjust abide before thy eyes.
5:7 Thou hatest all the workers of iniquity: * thou wilt destroy all that speak a lie.
5:7 The bloody and the deceitful man the Lord will abhor. * But as for me in the multitude of thy mercy,
5:8 I will come into thy house; * I will worship towards thy holy temple, in thy fear.
5:9 Conduct me, O Lord, in thy justice: * because of my enemies, direct my way in thy sight.
5:10 For there is no truth in their mouth: * their heart is vain.
5:11 Their throat is an open sepulchre: they dealt deceitfully with their tongues: * judge them, O God.
5:11 Let them fall from their devices: according to the multitude of their wickednesses cast them out: * for they have provoked thee, O Lord.
5:12 But let all them be glad that hope in thee: * they shall rejoice for ever, and thou shalt dwell in them.
5:12 And all they that love thy name shall glory in thee: * For thou wilt bless the just.
5:13 O Lord, thou hast crowned us, * as with a shield of thy good will.
℣. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, * and to the Holy Ghost.
℟. As it was in the beginning, is now, * and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Psalmus 28 [3]
28:1 Afférte Dómino, fílii Dei: * afférte Dómino fílios aríetum.
28:2 Afférte Dómino glóriam et honórem, afférte Dómino glóriam nómini ejus: * adoráte Dóminum in átrio sancto ejus.
28:3 Vox Dómini super aquas, Deus majestátis intónuit: * Dóminus super aquas multas.
28:4 Vox Dómini in virtúte: * vox Dómini in magnificéntia.
28:5 Vox Dómini confringéntis cedros: * et confrínget Dóminus cedros Líbani:
28:6 Et commínuet eas tamquam vítulum Líbani: * et diléctus quemádmodum fílius unicórnium.
28:7 Vox Dómini intercidéntis flammam ignis: * vox Dómini concutiéntis desértum: et commovébit Dóminus desértum Cades.
28:9 Vox Dómini præparántis cervos, et revelábit condénsa: * et in templo ejus omnes dicent glóriam.
28:10 Dóminus dilúvium inhabitáre facit: * et sedébit Dóminus Rex in ætérnum.
28:11 Dóminus virtútem pópulo suo dabit: * Dóminus benedícet pópulo suo in pace.
℣. Glória Patri, et Fílio, * et Spirítui Sancto.
℟. Sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper, * et in sǽcula sæculórum. Amen.
Psalm 28 [3]
28:1 Bring to the Lord, O ye children of God: * bring to the Lord the offspring of rams.
28:2 Bring to the Lord glory and honour: bring to the Lord glory to his name: * adore ye the Lord in his holy court.
28:3 The voice of the Lord is upon the waters; the God of majesty hath thundered, * The Lord is upon many waters.
28:4 The voice of the Lord is in power; * the voice of the Lord in magnificence.
28:5 The voice of the Lord breaketh the cedars: * yea, the Lord shall break the cedars of Libanus.
28:6 And shall reduce them to pieces, as a calf of Libanus, * and as the beloved son of unicorns.
28:7 The voice of the Lord divideth the flame of fire: * The voice of the Lord shaketh the desert: and the Lord shall shake the desert of Cades.
28:9 The voice of the Lord prepareth the stags: and he will discover the thick woods: * and in his temple all shall speak his glory.
28:10 The Lord maketh the flood to dwell: * and the Lord shall sit king for ever.
28:11 The Lord will give strength to his people: * the Lord will bless his people with peace.
℣. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, * and to the Holy Ghost.
℟. As it was in the beginning, is now, * and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Canticum David [4]
1 Par. 29:10-13
29:10 Benedíctus es, Dómine, Deus Israël patris nostri, * ab ætérno in ætérnum.
29:11 Tua est, Dómine, magnificéntia, et poténtia, * et glória, atque victória:
29:11 Et tibi laus: * cuncta enim quæ in cælo sunt, et in terra, tua sunt:
29:11 Tuum, Dómine, regnum, * et tu es super omnes príncipes.
29:12 Tuæ divítiæ, et tua est glória: * tu domináris ómnium,
29:12 In manu tua virtus et poténtia: * in manu tua magnitúdo, et impérium ómnium.
29:13 Nunc ígitur, Deus noster, confitémur tibi, * et laudámus nomen tuum ínclitum.
℣. Glória Patri, et Fílio, * et Spirítui Sancto.
℟. Sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper, * et in sǽcula sæculórum. Amen.
Canticle of David [4]
1 Chron. 29:10-13
29:10 Blessed art thou, O Lord the God of Israel, our father * from eternity to eternity.
29:11 Thine, O Lord, is magnificence, and power, * and glory, and victory:
29:11 And to thee is praise: * for all that is in heaven, and in earth, is thine:
29:11 Thine is the kingdom, O Lord, * and thou art above all princes.
29:12 Thine are riches, and thine is glory, * thou hast dominion over all,
29:12 In thy hand is power and might: * in thy hand greatness, and the empire of all things.
29:13 Now therefore our God we give thanks to thee, * and we praise thy glorious name.
℣. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, * and to the Holy Ghost.
℟. As it was in the beginning, is now, * and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Psalmus 116 [5]
116:1 Laudáte Dóminum, omnes gentes: * laudáte eum, omnes pópuli:
116:2 Quóniam confirmáta est super nos misericórdia ejus: * et véritas Dómini manet in ætérnum.
℣. Glória Patri, et Fílio, * et Spirítui Sancto.
℟. Sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper, * et in sǽcula sæculórum. Amen.
Ant. Allelúja, allelúja, allelúja.
Psalm 116 [5]
116:1 Praise the Lord, all ye nations: * praise him, all ye people.
116:2 For his mercy is confirmed upon us: * and the truth of the Lord remaineth for ever.
℣. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, * and to the Holy Ghost.
℟. As it was in the beginning, is now, * and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Ant. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.
Capitulum Hymnus Versus {ex Commune aut Festo}
Sap 5:1
Stabunt justi in magna constántia advérsus eos qui se angustiavérunt et qui abstulérunt labóres eórum.
℟. Deo grátias.

Hymnus {Doxology: Pasc}
Invícte Martyr, únicum
Patris secútus Fílium,
Victis triúmphas hóstibus,
Victor fruens cæléstibus.

Tui precátus múnere
Nostrum reátum dílue,
Arcens mali contágium,
Vitæ repéllens tǽdium.

Solúta sunt jam víncula
Tui sacráti córporis:
Nos solve vinclis sǽculi,
Dono supérni Núminis.

Deo Patri sit glória,
Et Fílio, qui a mórtuis
Surréxit, ac Paráclito,
In sempitérna sǽcula.

℣. Pretiósa in conspéctu Dómini, allelúja.
℟. Mors Sanctórum ejus, allelúja.
Chapter Hymn Verse {from the Common or Feast}
Wis 5:1
Then shall the just stand with great constancy against those that have afflicted them, and taken away their labours.
℟. Thanks be to God.

Martyr of God, whose strength was steeled
To follow close God's only Son,
Well didst thou brave thy battlefield,
And well thy heavenly bliss was won!

Now join thy prayers with ours, who pray
That God may pardon us and bless;
For prayer keeps evil's plague away,
And draws from life its weariness.

Long, long ago, were loosed the chains
That held thy body once in thrall;
For us how many a bond remains!
O love of God release us all.

All praise to God the Father be,
All praise to thee, Eternal Son;
All praise, O Holy Ghost, to thee,
While never-ending ages run.

℣. Precious in the sight of the Lord, alleluia.
℟. Is the death of his saints, alleluia.
Canticum: Benedictus {Antiphona ex Proprio Sanctorum}
Ant. Fíliæ Jerúsalem,
Canticum Zachariæ
Luc. 1:68-79
1:68 Benedíctus Dóminus, Deus Israël: * quia visitávit, et fecit redemptiónem plebis suæ:
1:69 Et eréxit cornu salútis nobis: * in domo David, púeri sui.
1:70 Sicut locútus est per os sanctórum, * qui a sǽculo sunt, prophetárum ejus:
1:71 Salútem ex inimícis nostris, * et de manu ómnium, qui odérunt nos.
1:72 Ad faciéndam misericórdiam cum pátribus nostris: * et memorári testaménti sui sancti.
1:73 Jusjurándum, quod jurávit ad Ábraham patrem nostrum, * datúrum se nobis:
1:74 Ut sine timóre, de manu inimicórum nostrórum liberáti, * serviámus illi.
1:75 In sanctitáte, et justítia coram ipso, * ómnibus diébus nostris.
1:76 Et tu, puer, Prophéta Altíssimi vocáberis: * præíbis enim ante fáciem Dómini, paráre vias ejus:
1:77 Ad dandam sciéntiam salútis plebi ejus: * in remissiónem peccatórum eórum:
1:78 Per víscera misericórdiæ Dei nostri: * in quibus visitávit nos, óriens ex alto:
1:79 Illumináre his, qui in ténebris, et in umbra mortis sedent: * ad dirigéndos pedes nostros in viam pacis.
℣. Glória Patri, et Fílio, * et Spirítui Sancto.
℟. Sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper, * et in sǽcula sæculórum. Amen.
Ant. Fíliæ Jerúsalem, veníte et vidéte Mártyres cum corónis, quibus coronávit eos Dóminus in die solemnitátis et lætítiæ, allelúja, allelúja.
Canticle: Benedictus {Antiphon from the Proper of Saints}
Ant. Daughters of Jerusalem,
Canticle of Zacharias
Luke 1:68-79
1:68 Blessed be the Lord God of Israel; * because he hath visited and wrought the redemption of his people:
1:69 And hath raised up an horn of salvation to us, * in the house of David his servant:
1:70 As he spoke by the mouth of his holy Prophets, * who are from the beginning:
1:71 Salvation from our enemies, * and from the hand of all that hate us:
1:72 To perform mercy to our fathers, * and to remember his holy testament,
1:73 The oath, which he swore to Abraham our father, * that he would grant to us,
1:74 That being delivered from the hand of our enemies, * we may serve him without fear,
1:75 In holiness and justice before him, * all our days.
1:76 And thou, child, shalt be called the prophet of the Highest: * for thou shalt go before the face of the Lord to prepare his ways:
1:77 To give knowledge of salvation to his people, * unto the remission of their sins:
1:78 Through the bowels of the mercy of our God, * in which the Orient from on high hath visited us:
1:79 To enlighten them that sit in darkness, and in the shadow of death: * to direct our feet into the way of peace.
℣. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, * and to the Holy Ghost.
℟. As it was in the beginning, is now, * and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Ant. Daughters of Jerusalem, come and see the crowned martyrs, the Lord crowned them in his solemnity and delight, alleluia, alleluia.
Preces Feriales{omittitur}
Weekday Intercessions{omit}
Oratio {ex Proprio Sanctorum}
℣. Dómine, exáudi oratiónem meam.
℟. Et clamor meus ad te véniat.
Deus, qui nos beáti Geórgii Mártyris tui méritis et intercessióne lætíficas: concéde propítius; ut, qui tua per eum benefícia póscimus, dono tuæ grátiæ consequámur.
Per Dóminum nostrum Jesum Christum, Fílium tuum: qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitáte Spíritus Sancti, Deus, per ómnia sǽcula sæculórum.
℟. Amen.

Commemoratio De VI die infra Octavam S. Joseph
Ant. Joseph, fili David, noli timére accípere Maríam cónjugem tuam; quod enim in ea natum est, de Spíritu Sancto est, allelúja.

℣. Dedísti mihi protectiónem salútis tuæ, allelúja.
℟. Et déxtera tua suscépit me, allelúja.

Deus, qui ineffábili providéntia beátum Joseph sanctíssimæ Genitrícis tuæ sponsum elígere dignátus es: præsta, quǽsumus; ut quem protectórem venerámur in terris, intercessórem habére mereámur in cælis:
Qui vivis et regnas cum Deo Patre, in unitáte Spíritus Sancti, Deus, per ómnia sǽcula sæculórum.
℟. Amen.
Prayer {from the Proper of Saints}
℣. O Lord, hear my prayer.
℟. And let my cry come unto thee.
Let us pray.
O God, Who dost gladden us through the worthy deeds and prayers of thy blessed martyr George, mercifully grant that all they which seek thy mercy through him may effectually obtain the gift of thy grace.
Through Jesus Christ, thy Son our Lord, Who liveth and reigneth with thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end.
℟. Amen.

Commemoration Die VI Infra Octavam S. Joseph
Ant. Joseph, thou Son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife; for That Which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost alleluia.

℣. Thou hast given me the shield of thy salvation, alleluia
℟. And thy right hand hath holden me up, alleluia

Let us pray.
God, Who in thine unspeakable foreknowledge didst choose thy blessed servant Joseph to be the husband of thine Own most holy Mother; mercifully grant that now that he is in heaven with thee, we who on earth do reverence him for our Defender, may worthily be holpen by the succour of his prayers to thee on our behalf;
Who livest and reignest with God the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, world without end.
℟. Amen.
℣. Dómine, exáudi oratiónem meam.
℟. Et clamor meus ad te véniat.
℣. Benedicámus Dómino.
℟. Deo grátias.
℣. Fidélium ánimæ per misericórdiam Dei requiéscant in pace.
℟. Amen.
℣. O Lord, hear my prayer.
℟. And let my cry come unto thee.
℣. Let us bless the Lord.
℟. Thanks be to God.
℣. May the souls of the faithful, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
℟. Amen.
« Pater Noster » dicitur totum secreto.
Pater noster, qui es in cælis, sanctificétur nomen tuum: advéniat regnum tuum: fiat volúntas tua, sicut in cælo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidiánum da nobis hódie: et dimítte nobis débita nostra, sicut et nos dimíttimus debitóribus nostris: et ne nos indúcas in tentatiónem: sed líbera nos a malo. Amen.
℣. Dóminus det nobis suam pacem.
℟. Et vitam ætérnam. Amen.
"Our Father" is said completely in silence.
Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation: But deliver us from evil. Amen.
℣. May the Lord grant us his peace.
℟. And life everlasting. Amen.
Antiphona finalis B.M.V.
Regína cæli, lætáre, allelúja;
Quia quem meruísti portáre, allelúja,
Resurréxit, sicut dixit, allelúja:
Ora pro nobis Deum, allelúja.
℣. Gaude et lætáre, Virgo María, allelúja.
℟. Quia surréxit Dóminus vere, allelúja.
Deus, qui per resurrectiónem Fílii tui, Dómini nostri Jesu Christi, mundum lætificáre dignátus es: præsta, quǽsumus; ut, per ejus Genetrícem Vírginem Maríam, perpétuæ capiámus gáudia vitæ. Per eúmdem Christum Dóminum nóstrum. Amen.
℣. Divínum auxílium máneat semper nobíscum.
℟. Amen.
Final Antiphon of the Blessed Virgin Mary
O Queen of heaven rejoice! alleluia:
For He whom thou didst merit to bear, alleluia,
Hath arisen as he said, alleluia.
Pray for us to God, alleluia.
℣. Rejoice and be glad, O Virgin Mary, alleluia.
℟. Because the Lord is truly risen, alleluia.
Let us pray.
O God, who gave joy to the world through the resurrection of thy Son, our Lord Jesus Christ; grant, we beseech thee, that through his Mother, the Virgin Mary, we may obtain the joys of everlasting life. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.
℣. May the divine assistance remain with us always.
℟. Amen.
Post Divinum officium

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